Eggman's are, at best, good and sorta fun. They're so memorable, that's why people replay SA2. The hedgehog levels are amazing, in fact, they're the best levels of the game. The three returning gameplay styles are speedy platforming (starring Sonic and Shadow), shooting (starring Eggman and Tails), and treasure hunting (starring Knuckles and Rouge). There's three gameplay styles, unlike SA, which had six. It is, for the most part, very similar to Adventure in terms of gameplay. So, let's take a look at it, shall we? Released 15 years ago on the short-lived SEGA Dreamcast, Sonic Adventure 2 is a sequel to Sonic Adventure, a Dreamcast launch title. People say that if it wasn't Sonic the Hedgehog 2 that got people into the Sonic series, it was this very game.

Many people still replay this game to this day. The game most Sonic the Hedgehog fans call the greatest Sonic game of all time. Many people still replay this game to this Sonic Adventure 2.